Conditions of Service
As a licensed distributor of electricity, Ottawa River Power Corporation is required to have a document known as “Conditions of Service”. The purpose of the Conditions of Service, is to communicate operating practices, connection policies, and types and levels of service available to customers and consumers in the service territories operated by Ottawa River Power Corporation.
The basis of the Ottawa River Power Conditions of Service is formed on the template presented in Appendix A of the Ontario Energy Board’s Distribution System Code and are organized as follows:
The General section contains references to services and requirements that are common to all customer types. This section covers items such as Rates, Billing, Hours of Work, Emergency Response, Power Quality, Available Voltages, Metering and Special Contracts.
The Customer Specific section contains references to services and requirements specific to the respective customer class. This section covers items such as Service Entrance Requirements, Delineation of Ownership, etc.
For more information, please view our Conditions of Service
Customers without Internet access may obtain a copy of the Conditions of Service at our offices at the following locations:
Pembroke Office
283 Pembroke St. West
Pembroke, Ontario
Almonte Office
12B Mill St.
Almonte, Ontario
Utility scorecards show data for 20 specific measures within the following four key areas of performance:
- Customer focus
- Operational effectiveness
- Public policy and responsiveness
- Financial performance
In addition to tracking utilities’ performance, scorecards help to:
- Encourage Ontario’s electricity utilities to operate effectively and continually seek ways to improve their performance and deliver value for consumers
- Support the cost-effective planning and operation of the electricity distribution network overall
- Align the needs of a sustainable, financially viable electricity sector with the expectations of customers, who want reliable service at a reasonable price.
View the Ottawa River Power Corporation Scorecard on the OEB website
Privacy Policy
Your personal information is collected on this form by Ottawa River Power under the authority of the Electricity Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Sched. A.
These include:
- to confirm your identify, respond to your inquiries and maintain business relations with you;
- to deliver and maintain electricity service;
- to bill and collect payment;
- to establish your credit worthiness;
- to register you for pre-authorized payment;
- for legal, regulatory and market operations requirements;
- to help prevent or investigate fraud, theft of power or other breaches of the law;
- to provide you with information about our services, the electricity industry, energy conservation and rates;
- to request your participation in surveys or contests; or
- to notify you about events or causes sponsored by Ottawa River Power Corporation or our affiliates.
If you have any questions about this collection, the ways in which your personal information may be used by Ottawa River Power, or would like further information about our privacy policies, please contact: [email protected]
There are no applications currently under review or in process with the Ontario Energy Board.