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Power is personal. Choosing the Regulated Price Plan (RPP) that suits your needs can help you save on energy costs. Knowing your options can help you plan for your future.

Residential and small business customers can choose between 3 regulated price plans. These are:

  • Time-of-Use (TOU),
  • Tiered, &
  • Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO).

Your price plan will determine how rates are applied to the electricity you use. We can’t decide for you, but we do have some tools to help you make an informed decision about your price plan.

To start, each regulated price plan has a different set of electricity rates. When you choose a price plan, you are agreeing to all rates in that plan.

Each price plan is a little different in how it applies these rates. Some price plans change depending on the season, while others remain the same all year round.

Regardless of what price plan you choose your eligibility for assistance programs, like the Ontario Electricity Rebate and the Ontario Electricity Support Program, will not be affected.


The TOU pricing plan applies different rates to your consumption depending on when you use electricity. With TOU pricing you can help to manage your electricity costs by shifting your usage to lower price periods whenever possible. Every household is different, but on average, Ontario households use nearly two thirds of their electricity during off-peak hours.

There are three TOU price periods:

  • Off-Peak: When demand for electricity is generally lower.
  • Mid-Peak: When demand for electricity is moderate.
  • On-Peak: When demand for electricity is generally higher.

Have you ever noticed a friend or family member wait until after 7:00 pm to run their dishwasher or dryer? Or known someone who turns off lights and appliances during the day? It is likely that this person is on a Time-of-Use price plan.

With Time-of-Use (TOU) electricity is cheapest during what we call Off-Peak price periods. The price is low during Off-Peak hours because the province-wide electricity demand for electricity is low. Off-Peak hours run from 7:00 pm until 7:00 am on weekdays, all day on weekends, and all day on statutory holidays.

People use electricity differently depending on the season, so the TOU price periods are different in the summer than they are in the winter. Weekends and holiday price periods stay the same, but weekday price periods change.

In the summer months (May 1 to October 31), from 7:00 am until 11:00 am, TOU customers enter the first the Mid-Peak price period. Then, midday, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, TOU customers are in the On-Peak price period, when electricity is at its most expensive. As the evening approaches, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, TOU customers enter the second Mid-Peak price period.

In the winter months (November 1 to April 30), from 7:00 am until 11:00 am, TOU customers enter the first the On-Peak price period. Then, midday, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, TOU customers are in the Mid-Peak price period. As the evening approaches, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, TOU customers enter the second On-Peak price period.

Time of use customers enjoy the benefits of Off-Peak hours from 7:00 pm until 7:00 am everyday. This does not change from season to season. What does change is the time periods for the On-Peak and Mid-Peak rates, which switch from winter to summer.


With Tiered pricing you have the flexibility to use electricity at any time of the day at the same price, although that price will change if you exceed the threshold during the month. For residential customers, the threshold is raised in the winter period so that households can use more power at a lower price.

If timing your electricity usage is a challenge, the Tiered price plan may be of interest to you. The rates in the Tiered price plan depend on the overall amount of electricity you use, not the time when you use it.

As the name implies, the Tiered price plan consists of 2 tiers. Tier 1 is the cheaper rate, and we apply this rate to your usage regardless of the time of day, up to a certain point. We call this point the threshold.

Once you reach the threshold, or max out your Tier 1 usage, we apply the Tier 2 rates to any further usage. The Tier 2 rate is a bit more expensive, but it is only applied to the energy used once you pass the Tier 1 threshold.

This threshold is different for small business and residential customers.

For small business customers the Tier 1 threshold is 750 kWh all year round.

For residential customers, the threshold changes from season to season. In the summer months (May 1 to October 31), the Tier 1 threshold is 600 kWh. While in the winter months (November 1 to April 30), the Tier 1 threshold increases to 1,000 kWh.

Ultra-Low Overnight

The ULO pricing plan is similar to the TOU pricing plan as it applies different rates to your consumption based on when you use electricity. As the name implies, the ultra-low overnight rate is ideal for customers whose electricity usage is primarily overnight.

There are four ULO price periods:

  • Ultra-Low Overnight: When demand for electricity is lowest on average.
  • Weekend Off-Peak: When demand for electricity is generally lower.
  • Mid-Peak: When demand for electricity is moderate.
  • On-Peak: When demand for electricity is highest on average.

The ULO price periods are the same all year round.

Do you use more electricity overnight than during the day? If so, the Ultra-Low Overnight price plan may be of interest to you.

The Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) rate encourages the use of more nighttime electricity. With ULO, electricity is cheapest overnight when province-wide electricity demand is lower. When demand is highest, the price is the highest.

The ULO Ultra-Low Overnight rate, when energy is cheapest, runs every night from 11:00 pm until 7:00 am, this applies to weekdays, weekends, and holidays.

During the week, the ULO Mid-Peak rate is in effect during the day from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm.

Then, when demand for electricity is highest on average, 4:00 pm until 9:00 pm, the ULO On-Peak rate is in effect.

On weekends and statutory holidays, the ULO Weekend Off-Peak rate runs from 7:00 am until 11:00 pm.

The ULO pricing plan is similar to the TOU pricing plan because the rate changes based on when you use electricity. With ULO pricing you can help to manage your electricity costs by shifting your usage to overnight whenever possible.

It is important to take a close look at the price periods included in your pricing plan. While ULO has the cheapest overnight rate, it also has the most expensive on-peak rate.

Considering a Switch?

Understand Your Options: Do you understand the differences between the Regulated Price Plans? For more information on RPP in Ontario, check out the Choosing your electricity price plan page on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website and try the Bill Calculator to estimate your monthly bill on different price plans.

Your Price Plan: What is your current price plan? If you are unsure, look at the Electricity line of your bill.

Your Usage: How much electricity do you use in a month? If you are unsure, look at the Electricity line of your bill. You may also want to consider your usage over the last year, available on our Customer Choice Portal.

Your Consumption Patterns: When do you use electricity? If you are on TOU pricing, look at the Electricity line of your bill to see how much electricity you use in each of the three TOU price periods.

Seasonal Changes: Do you use a different amount of electricity depending on the season? Do you turn on your A/C in the summer after running your furnace all winter?

Lifestyle & Daily Habits: Do you work from home during the day? Do you use an electric vehicle charging station at your home or small business? Would it be easy for you to shift your electricity usage to times of lower demand?

Small Business: How much electricity do you use each month and when do you use it? Does your usage change from season to season? Keep in mind the Tiered threshold for small businesses is 750 kWh all year round.

How to Change Your Price Plan

You have many things to consider when changing your price plan. Before making your choice, we suggest reviewing the “Considering a Switch?” section above for guidance and important questions to consider.

Customers wishing to change their rate plan have 3 options to do so:

  1. Online using the Customer Choice Portal: Click the following link to login to the Customer Choice Portal and complete the online request a rate change form: Ottawa River Power’s – OEB Customer Choice Portal
  2. In Person or Via Email: Click the following link to download the Customer Choice RPP Election Form and complete it electronically or by hand, then email to [email protected], or drop it off in person at either the Almonte or Pembroke office: Customer Choice RPP Election Form
  3. By Phone: Call us at 613-732-3687 to discuss your plan change with one of our staff.

Rules for Switching Regulated Price Plans

If you want to change your price plan, the following rules apply.

  • Customers wishing to change their rate plan must follow one of the three options detailed above to formally request a change to their rate plan.
  • Within 10 business days of receiving your election form, Ottawa River Power will notify you if your election form cannot be processed and must explain why. For instance, you are not authorized to make changes to the account, or the account cannot be verified.
  • If there are no issues with your form, Ottawa River Power has up to 10 business days to let you know when you can expect to start being billed at the new selected rate.
  • A rate plan change can only take effect at the start of a billing period. A billing period is generally about 30 days long, and the start and end dates are identified on your electricity bill. Many customers are not billed based on a calendar month, and the start of your billing period can be any given day of a month.
  • The change to your rate plan will take effect on your next billing period so long as the form is received by Ottawa River Power at least 10 business days before the start of the next billing period and provided there are no issues with the form.
  • If the form is received by Ottawa River Power less than 10 business days before the start of your next billing period the change to your rate plan may take effect on your next billing period or the one thereafter.
  • If you choose to switch to a new price plan and later decide you want to switch back or try a different price plan you can do so at any time. The processes described above will apply.
  • Ottawa River Power is required to inform all new residential and small business customers that they have a choice between TOU, Tiered and ULO price plans when they set up an account.
  • The choice between TOU, Tiered and ULO price plans are available to nearly all residential and small business customers who have smart meters and are billed on TOU. Some residential and small business customers are charged Tiered pricing because their meters cannot be used to bill TOU prices. These customers cannot switch to TOU or ULO at this time.
  • If you live in a condo or apartment that has its own individual meter and your bill comes from a company other than your electricity utility, you are a customer of a Unit Sub-Meter Provider (USMP).  Customers of USMPs also can’t switch to Tiered prices. That decision can only be made for the building as a whole by the Master Consumer, who is the person that retained a USMP for the property. In most cases, the Master Consumer is the property manager, landlord or condominium board.
  • Customers who are buying their electricity from an energy retailer pay the electricity price set out in their contract. Once they have left their retail contract, they will have a choice between TOU, Tiered or ULO price plans. For details about your energy contract, contact your energy retailer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What do TOU, Tiered and ULO prices pay for?

The OEB sets TOU, Tiered and ULO prices based on a forecast of how much it will cost to supply residential and small business customers with the electricity they are expected to use over the next 12 months. The OEB sets prices to recover the same forecast average cost of supply.

The OEB sets TOU, Tiered and ULO prices under the Regulated Price Plan (RPP). The RPP is designed to provide stable pricing, encourage conservation and ensure that the price customers pay for electricity better reflects the price paid to generators that produce that electricity.

Electricity utilities are not allowed to make a profit from the sale of electricity.

How often are TOU, Tiered, and ULO prices set?

The OEB typically sets new TOU and Tiered prices for May and November, based on an estimate of how much it will cost to supply residential and small business customers on the Regulated Price Plan with the electricity that they are expected to use. The ULO prices were first set in May of 2023.

Will I save money by opting out of TOU prices?

There is no guarantee you will save money if you switch from TOU to Tiered prices. The total bill impact of switching will vary depending on how much electricity you consume in a month and when it is consumed during the day.

Will I save money by opting for ULO prices?

There is no guarantee you will save money if you opt for ULO prices. The total bill impact of switching will vary depending on how much electricity you consume in a month and when it is consumed during the day.

Can I compare my usage on different price plans before I make a change?

Absolutely! The OEB website has a built-in Bill Calculator to estimate your monthly bill on different price plans.

Can all customers opt out of TOU pricing?

Any customer on TOU may opt out and pay Tiered prices instead.

Can all customers opt out of Tiered pricing?

Not all customers who are currently paying Tiered prices can switch to TOU prices at this time as their meters cannot be used to bill TOU prices.

If you live in a condo or apartment that has its own individual meter and your bill comes from a company other than your electricity utility, you are a customer of a Unit Sub-Meter Provider (USMP).  Customers of USMPs also can’t switch to Tiered prices. That decision can only be made for the building as a whole by the Master Consumer, who is the person that retained a USMP for the property. In most cases, the Master Consumer is the property manager, landlord or condominium board.

Customers who are buying their electricity from an energy retailer pay the electricity price set out in their contract. Once they have left their retail contract, they will have a choice between TOU, Tiered or ULO price plans. For details about your energy contract, contact your energy retailer.

I receive a monthly credit from the Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP). Will I lose that credit if I change my price plan?

No. You will still receive the credit.

I receive the Ontario Electricity Rebate. Will I lose that rebate if I change my price plan?

No. You will still receive the credit.